March 29, 2007

butter rolls


March 28, 2007

orange tangerine

new product, not from concentrate, worth to try.

March 27, 2007

March 22, 2007

happy anniversary

1週年 紙婚 Paper Wedding 最初結合薄如紙。
2週年 棉婚 Cotton Wedding 比較厚一些。
3週年 布婚 Muslim Wedding 開始有點韌性。
4週年 絲婚 Silk Wedding 是緊緊地連接著。
5週年 木婚 Wood Wedding 已經硬化起來了。
6週年 鐵婚 Iron Wedding 夫婦牢實得像鐵。
7週年 銅婚 Copper Wedding 像銅一樣不會生鏽。
8週年 陶器婚 Pottery Wedding 陶器雖美,但仍可打破。
9週年 柳婚 Willow Wedding 像垂楊擺柳,風吹雨打不能折。
10週年 錫婚 Tin Wedding 錫器閃閃生光,不會打破。
11週年 鋼婚 Steel Wedding 不但不生鏽,比鐵還要堅。
12週年 鏈婚 Chain Wedding 像鐵鏈一樣,交織連銷,永不分離。
13週年 花邊婚 Lace Wedding 不但堅韌,並且很美。
14週年 象牙婚 Ivory Wedding 時間越久,越晶透越美。
15週年 水晶婚 Crystal Wedding 晶瑩而通透,純樸無瑕,不易破。
20週年 搪瓷婚 China Wedding 滑而無瑕,但跌在地上仍會破裂。
25週年 銀婚 Silver Wedding 夫婦婚後的一個大慶典,因為能相對廿五年的夫婦,實非容易。
30週年 珍珠婚 Pearl Wedding 像珍珠般的圓渾,美麗和珍貴,使人豔羨。
35週年 碧玉婚 Jade Wedding 嫣紅而寶貴,更為生色。
40週年 紅寶石婚 Ruby Wedding 愛火依然熾熱,永不熄滅。
45週年 藍寶石婚 Sapphire Wedding 情深似海,恆久不變。
50週年 金婚 Golden Wedding 這是夫婦的第二個大慶典,可以兒孫滿堂,熱鬧非常。
55週年 翡翠婚 Emerald Wedding 像翡翠玉石一樣,是無價之寶,人生中非常難得的東西。
60週年 鑽石婚 Diamond Wedding 如鑽石般堅硬不屈,象徵天長地久的愛情,還可以說是夫婦一生中最大的慶典。

March 20, 2007

March 14, 2007

preparing for dessert

any good recipes? dinner of the day: stir-fly veggies & mango chicken

March 13, 2007

a beautiful day


March 12, 2007

new sunglasses

bought this more than half a year, first time to wear it today.

March 11, 2007

the first day of dst

dinner of the day: 熊本生蠔 & 帶子三吃

new member of my kitchen:
(this photo is especially for 星座女皇)

March 10, 2007

eat eat eat, saturday

lunch: 油條、皮蛋瘦肉粥、豬潤粥
afternoon tea: 凍奶茶、白汁蘑菇雞肉奄列、特色熱狗
dinner: 芝麻牛旁、炒雜菜、無錫骨、香煎豬柳配秘製沙爹醬

once again, i'm falling in love with my d80.

March 9, 2007

preserved kumquat again

i'm making the second bottle of preserved kumquat. :)

bottle one update:

today is the last day of making lazy dinner, no more excuse.
i can't wait to watch the new series of 向世界出發, expecting to watch 國王與我 & 成與敗.

March 7, 2007

for adoption

please take me home. any takers?食之無味,棄之可惜。

March 6, 2007

chinese new year's cake

  • 年糕
  • 茶稞
  • 湯丸
  • 糯米糍
  • 極臭芝士
  • 野味及爬蟲類動物
  • 榴槤 & 大樹菠蘿
  • 花膠 & 海參 (嚴重食物敏感)

March 5, 2007


after i watched a tv chapter called 九型人格 from 星期日檔案, i'm interested in enneagram. i guess i'm number 7.

i'm now watching amazing race all stars.

lunch of the day: panettone

March 4, 2007

portable gas range

bought a mini portable gas range, so i had sukiyaki for dinner tonight.

March 3, 2007


you know what? i had to walked up 22 floors of stairs with my 30 pounds groceries tonight.

yesterday no power no water, today no elavator, frustrated.

March 2, 2007

got trapped@home

no power no water from midnight till noon, power was out in a wide area.

after the worst snowstorms of the season, school & bus closures, downed power lines, train & flight delays or cancellations. the snow and ice mix is melting, turning some roads into lakes, left the streets a flooded, sloppy mess, and the sidewalk are hazardous with puddles of water collecting on icy patches.

是日晚餐: chirashi zushi @ le café michi

March 1, 2007

the worst winter storm this season

heavy snow + freezing rain + ice pellets

in my balcony today:

是日晚餐: 炸豬扒 tonkatsu