April 1, 2009


it's time to reorganize my crafting stuffs.
bought 6 more boxes from michaels last weekend when they are on sale. (3 for $5)....................................................................................
received lots of toys from my best buddy by mail today, so happy so happy!
thanks again, momoko! ^_^
dinner: hongkong style curry chicken rice


  1. oh... so envy....
    can they open a shop in HK ?!!!!

  2. ashlee, i guess it's not that good if they have a shop in hk, you will spent a lot there. right?
    i went there almost every weekend to check for their sale items! 破財 is 指定動作.

  3. me too! my room is such a mess now! btw, i love the saying: 破財 is 指定動作!!! it says all! sometimes if i don't 破財, i will feel like there is something missing or something i haven't done...

  4. exactly! if don't 破財, it makes me feel like i didn't visit the shop or missing something!
    talk about my home, it's in unbelievable messy condition now! because i keep buying buying & buying cooking & crafting stuffs! this is a 惡性循還!

  5. hahaha... i LOL when i saw your reply.... i can't agree more with you... cuz same condition here!

  6. those boxes are so beautiful !
    if you don't buy any, that will 對唔住自己 !

  7. hahaha... i guess we all are shopping唔破財就覺得對唔住自己嘅敗家王! ^^
