May 28, 2007

dried bok choy


May 27, 2007

organic coffee

papua new guinea香味實在令人回味!

bbq pork pastry w/ pineapple & pine nut

my no.1 favourite in empire court

May 17, 2007

May 16, 2007

May 15, 2007

macaron macaron

i was learning to make macarons in the past few days.
still need to get a better control on the oven.

May 7, 2007

mini sandwich

lunch of the day: mini black forest ham sandwich

mango pudding

  • 2 mangoes
  • 1 cups water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup fresh cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 1/4 tbsp gelatine
  • Dissolve the gelatine in 3 Tbsp of water
  1. Peel the mangos and dice 1/2, set as aside. Put the rest into the blender and add in milk, blend over high speed.
  2. Heat water, add in sugar and the gelatine. Heat until melted and set aside.
  3. Stir (2) into the mango milk.
  4. Beat the cream with an egg whisk until stiff, fold in (3). Add in diced mango and mix well.
  5. Dish up and chill for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!

May 4, 2007

a real photographer



頭 髮斑白的李元, 已達71歲古稀之齡,他與攝影的緣分,始於30年前的一次旅行。李元有次放暑假,在美國 國家公園遊玩,看到廣闊無垠的草原,秀麗雄偉的峽谷,令他感動得立即舉機拍攝,當下即與自然風光攝影「一見鍾情」,並開始把作品投於美國的雜誌上,其後著 有多本畫冊文集,如《創意與思維》、《談美國攝影》等。1984年,更被美國攝影出版社的《風光攝影》譽為「8位近代風光攝影大師」之一。李元原本在美國 新澤西州立魯特格斯大學任教物理系,到了62歲,選擇在事業穩定發展的時刻,提早退休,翻開人生另一頁。

「照片像一扇窗,看者透過這扇 窗,看到世界的一角,而且,照片亦像一面鏡子,反映拍攝者的思想。」李元以手掌當鏡子,一邊興奮地舉起,一邊解釋︰「在中國傳統文化中,大自然充滿生命 力,所謂『天地交而萬物通』,透過攝影,我便可以融入大自然的鬼斧神工,別人亦可從我的照片中,看到瞬間的景貌。」


quoted from yahoo news 明報專訊

May 2, 2007


thinking to play moo trade

so much fun

bought wii finally